Saturday, August 8, 2009


I have returned from my trip and am just beginning to catch up on keeping in touch with everyone, updating the sites, etc.

I have fixed an issue with Saints' Books that prevented some downloads. It was a curious issue that shows how different Internet browsers have to be tested. Firefox and Internet Explorer are the two main browsers, and both handled the problem differently, and the first fix, fixed the problem for one but not the other. In fact I still do not understand why Internet Explorer could not download the files, but suspect it had something to do with there being too many spaces or periods in the filenames for it to handle in relation to the file server. Firefox could handle it. Internet Explorer could not. On the other hand, Firefox insisted on downloading truncated PDF files when the links were bad instead of reporting that the links were badly named and not linking to any files whatsoever.

A reader of Saints' Books, which is still under construction I must note, let me know that his brother had died. I ask all the readers of this blog to join me in prayers for his soul (Thomas P.), and for the family for their loss.

It is hardest to accept the losses of our relatives, but I am remembering a quote by St. Elizabeth on the death of her husband, in which she states that she loved him above all else, but since the Lord pleased to take him from her, His will be done. This is the way to have peace and perhaps grief and consolation together.

We properly love all people for the Lord that we find in them, and so, when they go, it is the Lord's own decision, and we must know we still have the Lord in the ways He chooses to be with us, and will care for that person perfectly -- whom we can offer our prayers for.

I found the book, 'An Infinity of Little Hours: Five Young Men and Their Trial of Faith in the Western World's Most Austere Monastic Order' waiting for me and have just opened the cover and begun it. It is about the Carthusians, I found it being discussed on a mailing list for their Third and Secular order, which I joined to learn more about them.

One may recall them from the movie 'The Great Silence', and their founder, St. Bruno.

'The Lord created all mortals in the light, offering the supreme joys of heaven according to their merits.

Blessed is the one who without straying directs his soul toward those heights and is vigilant to preserve himself from all evil.

Blessed again is the one who repents after sinning and often weeps because of his fault.

Alas! People live as though death did not follow life, as if hell were only an unfounded fable, though burning embrace.

Mortals, have a care that you live, all of you, in such a way that you do not have to fear the lake of hell.'

St. Bruno

'If you take little account of yourself, you will have peace, whereever you live.'

St. Poemen

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