This is my Catholic blog, devoted to posts of this primarily.
I love good red wine, steak and potatoes, and white flowers.
I am an authentic Catholic, who to the best of my ability does not let sects and movements influence my Faith, but instead strive to influence them and perceive them through the eyes of tradition, to share the views of the saints.
Deo gratias! Jubilate Deo!
Asian Culture
Computers & Technology, Programming
Prayer books, Saints' books, Antiquarian books
And many other parts of the world
Poland, Ireland, Italy, Germany, England
Gregorian Chant
Visionaries, Inspiration, Suffering, Penance
Five-Fold Scapular, Rosary, Chaplet of St. Michael, Novenas
Carmelites, Dominicans, Franciscans, Benedictines, Carthusians, Trinitarians, Passionists, & Many Other Orders
St. Joseph, St. Michael, St. Sebastian, St. John of the Cross, St. John, St. Peter, St. Paul, Sts. Catherine, St. Margaret Mary, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Alphonsus Marie Ligouri, St. Philomena, St. Jean Vianney, St. Joan of Arc, St. Felicity, St. Perpetua, St. Ignatius, St. Benedict, St. Basil, Sts. Dominic, Sts. Francis, the Nine Choirs of Angels, the Holy Souls & Many Others