Tuesday, February 2, 2010


The Saints' Discussion Forums have opened, and we're into the third week.

It is a happy and wonderful surprise, a good atmosphere, a if I may even say so, holy place.

The Saints' Prayer Book, after long delay, is near ready for upload. After this, I hope to make only a few more feature modifications before removing the construction sign.

Hopefully too, this will occur before long for Saints' Books.

A quote for the day. . .

'From what Abba Serapion said, we can learn that we shall be granted the gift of true discrimination when we trust, no longer in the judgments of our own mind, but in the teaching and rule of our fathers. The devil brings the monk to the brink of destruction more effectively through persuading him to disregard the admonitions of the fathers and follow his own judgment and desire, than he does through any other fault. We should learn from examples provided by human arts and sciences. If we cannot accomplish anything in them by ourselves - in spite of the fact that they deal with things we can touch with our hands, see with our eyes and hear with our ears - but still need someone who will instruct us well and guide us, how can it be anything but foolish to think that the spiritual art, the most difficult of all the arts, has no need of a teacher? It is an invisible, hidden art which is understood only through purity of heart, and failure in it brings, not temporary loss, but the soul's destruction and eternal death.'

St. John Cassian

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